The FTDX-9000 as used with the 80/40 RF u-Tuning unit

Is My MTU Working?


Last revision April 21, 2013

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Conventions used: "RF u-Tuning unit" also referred to as "u-Tuning" or "MTU"

DMU Screen photo #1 (below), shows the stock FTDX-9000 with the "VRF/u" button on the front of the radio activated. If you have the RF u-Tuning unit installed, you will need to make sure the "uTUNE DIAL STEP" menu item is set accordingly. "uTUNE DIAL STEP" menu (#043 in this firmware version) has no effect if U-Tuning option is not installed.

Photo 1:



DMU screen photo #2 was taken with u-Tuning unit installed but the "uTUNE DIAL STEP" menu set to OFF, allowing only the stock VRF mode to activate using the "VRF/u" button on the front of the radio. Note that the "VRF" text in upper left of screen is orange when "VRF/u" button is activated with this menu setting, even though the MTU is installed.

Photo 2:



DMU screen photo #3 shows "uTUNE DIAL STEP" menu set to "DIAL STEP-1" (fine tune); this or menu setting "DIAL STEP-2" (course tune) must be used to activate the MTU in the radio (along with the "VRF/u" button on the front of the radio): VRF mode is disabled with these menu settings. Once activated, the "uTUNE DIAL STEP" menu can be left alone, as the "VRF/u" button becomes your MTU on/off toggle. You can always set "uTUNE DIAL STEP" menu item to "OFF" to enable VRF mode again and disable the MTU if need be, for some strange reason I can't think of. Notice the orange colored "u-T" in upper left of the screen indicating that the FTDX-9000 has sensed that the RF u-Tuning unit is installed and activated. When "VRF/u" button is not activated, the screen text "u-T" will turn white or red depending on your DMU color scheme menu selection.

Changed behavior: In the VRF mode if the "VRF/u" button is depressed for a couple of seconds after the VRF has been manually tuned with the "VRF/u" knob, the VRF returns to its normal centered band position. However, in RF u-Tuner mode (u-T) if the "VRF/u" button is depressed for a couple of seconds after the u-Tuner has been manually tuned with the "VRF/u" knob, the u-Tuner returns and peaks to the current VFO frequency. Remember, the u-Tuner automatically follows the VFO frequency around; the VRF is a manually tuned filter.

Photo 3:



What does the MTU do? Click here!

Where does the MTU go inside the radio? Click here!



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